William E. Stafford
b. 1-17-1914; Hutchinson, Kansas
d. 8-28-1993; Lake Oswego, Oregon
Poet and pacifist William Stafford was appointed the twentieth Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 1970.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
b. 11-12-1815; Johnstown, NY
d. 10-26-1902
“Let woman live as she should. ...Let her know that her spirit is fitted for as high a sphere as man’s, and that her soul requires food as pure and exalted as his.”
One of the most famous leaders of the women's rights movement, Elizabeth Cady Stanton spent much of her life working to improve women's place in society. Intelligent and strong-willed, Stanton was a fluent writer and a powerful public speaker. In 1848, she and Lucretia Mott organized the first women's rights convention. It was held in Stanton's hometown: Seneca Falls, New York. Stanton wrote a “Declaration of Sentiment” for the meeting. Based on the Declaration of Independence, this document called for women to be treated as men's equals. The most controversial point in the Declaration was the demand for women's suffrage, or women's right to vote. In 1851, Stanton met Susan B. Anthony. Two worked closely together and remained good friends for the rest of their lives. Their work was rewarded when the Married Women's Property law of 1860 was passed in New York. This law said a maried woman – not her husband – was in control of both her property and the money she earned. It became a model for similar laws in other states. In 1869, Stanton and Anthony broke from other women's rights activists and founded the National Woman Suffrage Association, with the goal of gaining the right to vote. From 1868 to 1870 they also published a newspaper called The Revolution. Stanton was the main writer and she used the paper to broadcast her strong views on women's rights. In 1890, Stanton and Anthony's group rejoined the other major women's organization and formed the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Stanton was the group's first president. Elizabeth Cady Stanton died in 1902 at age 86, 18 years before her dream of women's suffrage came true. Congress finally approved the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing women the right ot vote, in 1920. - Text from a poster that is no longer available.
• more Elizabeth Cady Stanton curriculum enrichment resources
Gloria Steinem
b. 3-25-1934; Toledo, OH
“No worthwhile battle can be won only once. Now we have a past to celebrate... and a big future to plan. It’s the end of the Beginning. The stage is set.”
Gloria Steinem is known around the world as one of the main leaders of the modern women's movement. An editor, writer, and activist, she has lead the fight for women's rights in all areas, from better jobs to increased political power. ...
William Still
b. November 1819 or 10-7-1821; NJ
d. 7-14-1902
•William Still was a free born black business man who aided runaway slaves. His family sheltered poet and author Frances Ellen Watkins Harper for a time.
Lucy Stone
b. 8-13-1818; West Brookfield, MA
b. 10-19-1893
Lucy Stone is remembered for keeping her birth name after marriage, and using it her entire life. She and her husband, abolitionist Henry Brown Blackwell (brother of Elizabeth Blackwell), were active in human rights throughout their lives. It was a Lucy Stone's speech that energized Susan B. Anthony to action in behalf of women's rights.
Lucy Stone quotes ~
• “A wife should no more take her husband's name than he should hers. My name is my identity and must not be lost.”
• “I think, with never-ending gratitude, that the young women of today do not and can never know at what price their right to free speech and to speak at all in public has been earned.”
Harriet Beecher Stowe
b. 6-14-1811; CT
d. 7-1-1896
Abolitionist and novelist Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) attacked the cruelty of slavery. Historians consider her efforts a significant force in leading to the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln said, when he met Stowe, “So you're the little woman who wrote the book that made this great great war!”
Harriet Beecher Stowe quote ~
• “I did not write it. God wrote it. I merely did his dictation.”
• Harriet Beecher Stowe curriculum enrichment resources
Gustav Stresemann
b. 5-10-1878; Berlin, Germany
d. 10-10-1929
Politician and statesman Gustav Stresemann served as Chancellor and Foreign Minister during the Weimar Republic. He was co-laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1926 with French Prime Minister Aristide Briand, for working out a reconcilation between Germany and France.
William Stringfellow
b. 4-26-1928; Johnston, RI
d. 3-2-1985 (diabetes)
Theologian and lawyer William Stringfellow was a critic of the social, military and economic policies of the U.S. and advocate for racial and social justice based on a “serious understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith”.
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