Judaism & Jewish Culture Educational Posters, Prints, Photographs, Charts & Maps
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Educational posters celebrating Judaism, Judaica and world religions posters- images included are the Hebrew Alphabet, the Kabbalah, Yiddish Eye Chart, satellite image of Israel, a panorama of Jerusalem and work of Marc Chagall, for the classroom and home schoolers. Find more spirituality resources at the Spirituality Bookshelf.
Ancient Jews
(2000 B.C. – 922 B.C.)
The ancient Jews did not rule a large and powerful empire like many of the other ancient civilizations. But they made a very important contribution to the world. This contribution is the idea of monotheism – the worship of one God instead of many gods and goddesses. The Jews were the first to believe that one all-powerful god is the creator of all things, and today, nearly all of the world's major religions are monotheistic.
Artwork depicts the ruins of the ancient fortress at Masada and a rabbi holding the Torah.
• more Ancient Civilizations posters
• Ancient Israelites and Their Neighbors: An Activity Guide
Jewish Celebrations & Traditions
Wedding, Days of Awe, Sukket, Sukkah, Heshanah Rabah, Simhat Torah, Hanukkah, Tu Bisheval, Purim, Beginning of Sabbath, End of Sabbath, new Moon, Preparing for Passover, Kosher Utensils, Matzel, Removing Leavened Toods, Lag Ba Omer, Shavnet, Brit Milah Teslia'ah be-Av.
• Holiday posters
Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, is a celebration of the victory of the Maccabees and the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple commemorating the miracle of the oil that burned for 8 days.
• more holidays posters
Passover is a Jewish holiday which is celebrates the Exodus and freedom of the Israelites from ancient Egypt, marking the "birth" of the Children of Israel.
• more spring posters
Ten Commandments,
or Decalogue, is a list of moral and religious imperatives that were authored by God and given to Moses, according to Judeo-Christian tradition.
I Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
II Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
III Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
IV Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.
V Honor thy father and thy mother.
VI Thou shalt not kill.
VII Thou shalt not commit adultery.
VIII Thou shalt not steal.
IX Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
X Thou shalt not covet.
• Christianity posters
• Native American Ten Commandments print
The Sefirot (Sephirot) are the ten aspects of God in the Kabbalah: Keter, Chokmah, Binah, Chesed Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, Malchut.
Gnostic Kabbalah
The Kabbalah the mystical discipline and philosophy of Judaism defining the meaning Jewish sacred literature and significance of Jewish observations.
The Zohar is the mystical commentary of the Torah, or the five books of Moses. It contains a discussion on the “mystical nature of God, the origin and structure of the universe, theosophic theology, mythical cosmogony, mystical psychology, and ... anthropology”.
Marc Chagall
née Moishe Shagal
b. 7-6-1887; Liozna, near Vitebsk, Belorussia
d. 3-28-1985; Saint-Paul, France
Marc Chagall embraced the philosophy that love colored his paintings. Focusing extensively on his childhood, his happy, optimistic paintings defy the poverty of his upbringing in a Russian Shtetl.
After a brief time in Paris, Chagall escaped to the US during World War II where his career reached new heights including a rare exhibit during his lifetime at the Louvre.
World Religions -
Judaism Wall Poster
“Here, O Lord, the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God alone, You shall love your Eternal God with all your heart, and with all your mind, with all your being.” Deuteronomy 6:4-6
The central belief of Judaism is that there is one God for all humanity. The ancient Jews were the first to develop this concept, which is called monotheism. Jews believe that Judaism began 4,000 years ago when God made a covenant, or agreement, with Abraham and his people and bring then into a land of their own. Today, there are about eighteen million Jews in the world, many of whom live in the the U.S. The traditional Jewish homeland, Israel, was made an independent nation in 1948.
• more World Religions posters
Religions of the World -
Judaism Poster
Jerusalem, Israel's capital, seat of government, and largest city, is one of the oldest cities in the world.
• more Cities posters
Hebrew Alphabet,
Dues Omnipater
United States troops liberated the concentration camp at Ebensee, a subcamp to Mauthausen, Austria, on May 9, 1945, at the end of World War II. An estimated 20,000 people died at Ebensee and it is considered one of the “most diabolic concentration camps ever built.”
• History Through a Lens poster series
Badges of Hate
Jews were ordered to wear a cloth patch in the shape of the Star of David by the Reich in the onset of World War II. There is a long history of forcing identifying marks or clothing on those who did not belong to the ruling class.
The Judenhut, or Jewish cap, was a cone-shaped pointed hat originally worn in observances of Jewish law to keep ones head covered. In 1215 the Fourth Council of the Lateran ruled that both Jews and Muslims were required to dress in a way that distinguished them from Christians in medieval Europe.
Anwar Sadat & Menachem Begin
Poster Text: Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin shared the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to solve one of the oldest and most difficult problems in the world: the conflict between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East. Tensions between these groups grew worse when at separate state for the Jewish people, the nation of Israel, was created in 1948 from the Arab state of Palestine. The Arabs immediately attacked the new nation of Israel. And Israel and the Arab nations, including Egypt, became bitter enemies. In the years that followed, Israelis and Arabs fought several brief but violent wars. The Arab countries were determined to destroy Israel, and the Israelis fought back aggressively.
Anwar Sadat was on Egyptian military office who took part in efforts to overthrow hsi nations government in the 1940s. Later he became Egypt's Vice President under Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. When Mr. Nasser died in 1970, Mr. Sadat took over. He called for Israel to return land it had taken from Egypt in a 1967 war. But in 1977, President Sadat began discussions with Israeli leader Menachem Begin about ways to end the conflict between their two nations.
Mr. Begin was one of many people who fought during the 1930s and 1940s for the creation of Israel. After Israel was formed, Mr. Begin served in the Israeli Parliament which is called the Knesset. He became the Prime Minister of Israel in 1977.
Together with U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Mr. Sadat and Mr. Begin met for peace talks. The talks resulted in an agreement that called for Israel to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip. It als called for a formal peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. And it said Israel must take steps to give Palestinian Arabs in the West region their own government. The agreement, which became known as the Camp David Accords, won Mr. Sadat and Mr. Begin the Nobel Peace Prize.
Sadly President Sadat was killed in 1981 by Arabs opposed to peace with Israel. And after Mr. Begin resigned as Prime Minister in 1983, he took little part in Israeli politics. He died in 1992.
Even though some parts of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty have not been fulfilled, the agreement was an important first step toward peace in the Middle East.
• Anwar Sadat & Menachem Begin at Amazon.com
b. 3-30-1135; Cordoba, Spain
d. 12-13-1204; Egypt
Moses Maimonides, a rabbi and philosopher, is also considered one of the greatest physicians of his time.
Maimonides quote:
• "Anticipate charity by preventing poverty."
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