Raymonde de Laroche,
née Elise Raymonde Deroche
b. 8-22-1882; Paris, France
d. 7-18-1919; Le Crotoy Airfield, France
Actress Raymonde de Laroche was the first woman to receive an airplane pilot's licence.
Ruth Bancroft Law
b. 3-21-1887; Lynn, MA
d. 12-1-1970; San Francisco, CA
Ruth Bancroft Law had many firsts as an aviatrix, or woman pilot: she was the first woman to fly at night, to loop the loop, and the first woman permitted to wear a military uniform. Law was not allowed to fly in combat but her appearances were successful in recruiting and selling Liberty Bonds for WWI.
Bill Lear
b. 6-26-1902; Hannibal, MO
d. 5-14-1978; Reno, Nevada (leukemia)
William Lear is best remembered as the founder of the Lear Jet Corporation, a manufacturer of business jets. FYI ~ Lear was also the inventor of the first car radio, the 8-track audio tapes, and was instrumental in the corporate history of Motorola.
Jean-Marie Le Bris
b. 1817; Brittany d. 1872; Douarnenez
Sea captain Jean-Marie Le Bris accomplished a glider flight in 1856 with a design based on his observations of the highly efficient albatross soaring over cover great distances with little exertion.
Sebastien Lenomard
b. 5-25-1757; Montpellier, France
d. 12-1837; Castres
In December 1783 Sebastien Lenomard jumped from a Montpelier observatory tower in Paris with a 14’ round piece of linen cloth shaped like an umbrella. He named the device a ‘parachute’, Fr. parare=to shield, chute=fall. (oh- I just got ‘parasol’ - shield from sun.)
Leonardo da Vinci made notations of a device that would break a fall c. 1495; and in 1617 Venetian Fauste Veranzio constructed an application based on da Vinci's drawing and jumped from a tower in Venice.
The Chinese also worked on the concept of letting a person fall safely from some height c. 1200, and in 852 AD a gentleman named Armen Firman sustained only minor injuries when he lept from a tower in Cordoba using his cloak stiffened with wooden struts.
Otto Lilienthal
b. 5-23-1848; Anklam, Pomerania Province, Prussia
d. 8-10-1896; Berlin
Aviation Otto Lilienthal was known as the “Gilder King” and referred to as “The Father of Flight”.
Lilienthal died from injuries suffered in a glider crash.
Allan Lockheed, née Loughead
b. 1-20-1889; Niles, CA
d. 5-26-1969; Tucson, AZ
Aviation pioneer and engineer Allan Lockheed formed an airplane company along with his brother, Malcolm Loughead, that became Lockheed Corporation.
Grover Loening
b. 9-12-1888; Bremen, Germany (father stationed at US Consul)
d. 8-26-1974
Grover Loening earned the first ever degree in Aeronautical Engineering at Columbia University, was the author of Military Airplanes, and an airplane manufacturer.
James Lovell
b. 3-25-1928; Cleveland, OH, raised in Milwaukee, WI
James Lovell was the commander of the Apollo 13 mission (1970) that was brought back safely to Earth by the efforts of the crew Jack Swigert and Fred Haise, and mission control, after a critical equipment failure en route to the Moon.
James Lovell quotes ~
• “Houston, we've had a problem here.”
• “Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job.”
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