Acupressure & Acupuncture Education Science Posters & Charts
reference materials for the science classroom, medical offices, and health care facilities.
health > ACUPRESSURE & ACUPUNCTURE HEALTH < anatomy < biology < science
Acupuncture, from L. acus + pungere (“needle prick”) most closely associated with tradition Chinese medicine, is a technique of inserting and manipulating needles into “acupuncture points” on the body. Acupuncture is used to restore health and well-being, and is particularly good at treating pain.
Acupressure Point Reference
A fully color-coded illustration of meridians, source points, alarm points and chi control points. Front, back and side views are shown. Also contains five element healing affirmations. Includes a 16-page booklet describing how to use common ailment points. Measures 24" x 36", laminated.
Points and Meridians of Acupuncture
Based on the point locations found in Dr. James Tin Yau So's "Book of Acupuncture Points", full-color chart combines three separate views and many smaller illustrations on a single, large format chart. The chart concentrates on channel-point positions but also includes the major extra points, with contraindications. It provides a professional level of detail in an attractive convenient and inexpensive format. Measures 23x36.
Face Lift Acupressure Reference
Practitioner & student chart reference tools to keep skin youthful & eliminate line lines & wrinkles. Accupressure combines the ancient art of gentle healing with revitalizing massage.
Standard Meridian Points
of Acupuncture
Illustrates all 14 meridians, and extra points (EX).
Acupoints of Tradition Chinese Medicine Chart, Male
Three views include the 14 main meridians and points of traditional Chinese medicine and over 110 anatomical landmarks and muscle references commonly used when describing acupoint locations.
Close view of acupuncture needles treatment.
Auriculotherapy, the stimulation of the auricle of the external ear to influence health conditions in other parts of the body, is based on the ancient Chinese practices of acupuncture.
FYI - The auricle is principal projecting part of the ear, also called the pinna.
Auricle is from the Latin auricula: from auris “ear” +“cula”, a diminutive suffix.
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