Mexico and Mexican Culture Educational Posters & Prints, 1/2
for the social studies and geography classroom, home schoolers, and as theme decor.
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Officially known as the United Mexican States, Mexico is the 15th largest country by area and the most populous Spanish speaking country in the world.
Located in southern North America, Mexico is the furthest north and west country of Latin America, those countries where languages derived from Latin (the Romance languages) are spoken, as opposed to Anglo America, where the languages from Germanic roots are spoken.
Mexico is bordered on the east by Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, the north by the United States, the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the south by the Central American countries of Guatemala and Belize. Before the arrival of the European Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortez, the area of Mexico was the site of advanced Mexoamerican cultures such as the Olmec, Maya and Aztecs.
The red and green in Mexico's flag are symbolical of her wars of independence, they are united by the white of peace. When the Aztecs came to the valley of Mexico, an enormous eagle with a snake in his talons, ws seen perched on a giant cactus. This was considered a good omen and Mexico has adopted the ensignia as a national one.
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