Kabul, the capital and largest city of Afghanistan, is over 5000 years old, located along the trade routes of South and Central Asia.
Many wars have been fought over the city for its strategic location.
Kampala is the largest city and capital of Uganda, a landlocked country in East Africa.
The city, located in what were the favorite hunting area of Mutesa I, Kabaka (king) of Buganda, was severally damaged during the Uganda-Tanzania War of 1978-79, has been rebuilt.
Kanpur is the second most populous city of the Hindi-speaking belt after Delhi, and one of the oldest industrial townships of North India.
The City of Kansas is situated at the confluence of the Missouri and Kaw Rivers in the U.S. Midwest region. There are two cities called Kansas City - the larger in the state of Missouri, and the other across the state line in Kansas.
Kansas City (MO) has more fountains than any other city in the world except Rome, Italy.
US President Harry S Truman made his home in Independence, a city in the larger metropolitan area. Other famous people either born or lived in KC include Thomas Hart Benton, Jim Bridger, Walt Disney, Jean Harlow, Ernest Hemingway, Louis Horst, Walter Cronkite, Ginger Rogers, Ted Shawn, and Robert Altman.
The musical Oklahoma! has a song called “Kansas City”: it includes the lyrics Everything's up to date in Kansas City.
“200 Years on Troost” talk by Fr Paisius Altschul
Karachi, the third largest city in the world, is main seaport and the financial capital of Pakistan. (Islamabad is the government capital.)
Kathmandu, in the Kathmandu Valley of the Himalayas, is the capital and the largest metropolitan city of Nepal. It is nearly 2000 years old and part of the Kathmandu Valley UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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