Dakar, the capital and largest city of Senegal, is located on the Cap-Vert peninsula on the Atlantic coast and is the westernmost city on the African mainland. Dakar is a major regional port.
People associated with Dakar include Pierre-Paul Savorgnan De Brazza.
Dallas, the third largest city in the US state of Texas (after Houston and San Antonio), was founded in 1841.
First a center for cotton and oil industries with the help of railroads, Dallas is an international port due to its airport, with an economy based in banking, telecommunications, and computer technology.
Damascus, a metropolitan area of six million people, is the capital and the largest city of Syria. Located in the southwestern part of the country, and inland from the Mediterranean coast, Damascus has a semi-arid climate in the Syrian Desert.
The English/Latininzed name “Damascus” originated in Aramaic and means “a well watered place.”
Archeological evidence indicated the area of Damascus may have been occupied since the second half of the seventh millennium BC, possibly around 6300 BC. According to Flavius Josephus, a 1st century Jewish historian, Damascus was founded by Uz, the son of Aram (son of Shem, son of Noah).
Dar es Salaam, “harbour of peace”, formerly Mzizima, is the largest city in Tanzania (the capital is Dodoma).
Dar es Salaam is situated on a large natural harbor on the Eastern Indian Ocean coast of Africa.
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