Composite poster of twelve civil rights leaders with quotes-

Civil Rights
Leaders Poster
currently not available
Cesar Chavez - “Nonviolence takes time. I despise exploitation and I want change, but I'm willing to pay the price in terms of time. There's a Mexican saying, 'There's more time than life.' We've got all the time in the world.” Cesar Chavez, Autobiography of La Causa [more Cesar Chavez posters]
Thurgood Marshall - “[There] is an inherent determination that the people formerly in slavery shall be kept as near that stage as possible. Now is the time that this court should make clear that that is not what our Constitution stands for.” Thurgood Marshall, Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, 1955 [more Thurgood Marshall posters]
Susan B. Anthony - “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution [more Susan B. Anthony posters]
Barbara Jordan - “We are attempting to fulfill the promise of America. We are attempting to fulfill our national purpose; to create and sustain a society in which all of us are equal.” Barbara Jordan; Democratic National Convention [Barbara Jordan poster]
George Mason - “We came equals into this world, and equals shall we go out of it. All men are by nature born equally free and independent. To protect the weaker from the injuries and insults of the stronger were socities first formed.” The Papers of George Mason [American Revolution posters]
Martin Luther King, Jr. - “If we protest courageously, and yet with dignity and Christian love, the historians will say. ‘There lived a great people - a black people - who injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization.’ That is our challenge and our overwhelming responsibility.” Martin Luther King, Jr.; Montgomery, AL, 1955 [more Martin Luther King, Jr. posters]
Roger Baldwin - “It's very simple. If the person you hate has no rights, then the person you like may have no rights either. and in order to defend the people you like, you have to defend the people you hate.” Roger Baldwin, Founder of the ACLU
Malcolm X - “We are not fighting for integration, nor are we fighting for separation. We are fighting for recognition as human beings.” Malcolm X, New York, New York, 1964 [more Malcolm X posters]
Thomas Paine - “Every civil right has for its foundation, some natural right preexisting in the individual, but to the enjoyment of which his individual power is not, in all cases, sufficiently competent. Of this kind are all those which relate to security and protection.” Thomas Paine, Rights of Man [Thomas Paine portrait]
Fannie Lou Hamer - “Nobody's free until everybody's free.” Fannie Lou Hamer, Washington, DC, 1971
Elizabeth Cady Stanton - “All artificial distinction , whether of family, blood, wealth, color, or sex, are equally oppressive to the subject classes, and equally destructive to national life and prosperity.”, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Washington, DC 1869
[more Elizabeth Cady Stanton posters]
Frederick Douglass - “Who would be free, themselves must strike the blow. You know liberty given is never so precious as liberty sought for and fought for. Depend upon it, men will not care much for a people who do not care for themselves.” Frederick Douglass, Louisville Convention, 1883 [more Frederick Douglass posters]
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