Vocational Educational Posters: Careers & Job Search
for classrooms, school counselor and human resources offices, home schoolers.
educational posters > VOCATIONAL EDUCATION INDEX
Classroom and office information and motivational posters for career and technical education curriculums that prepare students for a trade:
Three steps for sound career decisions:
- You must have self-awareness of who you are and what you like to do including hobbies, school activities, school subjects, interests, values, goals, work activities, skills, and abilities. You will do best at what you really like to do. Knowing who you are and what you like will help you decide what you want to do in the world of work.
- You must also investigate and research career opportunities by learning about the requirements, demands, working conditions, salaries, and educational requirements. Check out the library, public relation departments, people who work for the company, college placement offices. Knowing about the wide range of working environments will allow you to relate what you know about yourself to the many occupations available. Going on an interview? Research the specific job you are interviewing for, even the interviewer.
- After you have chosen a field, you must prepare to enter your career area by creating a realistic set of goals and a plan to attain them. Your plan will include the education and training necessary to reach your career goal, specific occupations and trades, and as such is related to the apprentice system of learning.
Networking is the number one way to get a solid job lead. Start by identifying people who might know something about the type of job you want and then ask them if they know of any jobs available in your field. They probably won't, but may refer you to someone else who knows more about job availability. When you talk to two friends, and they talk to two friends, and they talk to two friends; that's networking. Remember to reciprocate - did you hear about a job that someone you've spoken to would be interested in?
Career and Tech Ed. Poster Set
Individual posters cover things like education, training, tools, technology, skills, related jobs, safety concerns and more. Posters in the Career & Tech Ed Series include: Animal Health Tech; Auto Body Repair; Auto Mechanics; Banking; CAD/CAM; Computer Service Tech; Construction Tech; Cosmetology; Culinary Arts; Dental Assisting; Desktop Publishing; Early Childhood Ed; Electrical Trades; Printer Tech; Diesel Tech; Hotel Management; HVAC; Legal Office Assistant; Medical Lab Tech; Medical Office Assistant; CNA; Retail Marketing; Small Business Mgmt; Welding
FYI ~ A desktop pubishing (DTP) specialist uses a computer to prepare reports, brochures, books, magazines, and other documents for printing. He or she generally has a mix of typesetter, graphic designer, and paste-up artist skills. At a large company, a DTP specialist brings together electronic text files, artwork and photo files, and any other page elements necessary to construct the final document in a page-layout software program. Most DTP specialists are expected to have some design and artistic skills as well as the technical ones. ...
• more computer posters
• more “Vocational Education” series posters
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Careers in Art Poster Set
Animation, Museums, Art Education, Architecture, Performing Arts, Interior Design, Fine Art, Photography, Graphic Design, Fashion, Art Administration, and Industrial Design.
Career Planning
It's always your next move - Start planning now!
You'll Laugh.
You'll Cry.
You'll be Terrified!
They are all natural reactions to Career Planning -
A Counselor Can Help!
Dream Up the Future - Engineering Careers
Interview Attire
You begin making a first impression before you even speak... What is your interview attire saying about you? Grooming, Clothing, Posture, Jewelry, Hands, Stockings, Shoes, Bags, Manners .
Customer Service
"The secret to success is to treat all customers as if your world revolves around them."
A Sit-Down Striker
“Those machines had kept going as long as we could remember. When we finally pulled the switch and there was some quiet, I finally remembered something... that I was a human being, that I could stop those machines, that I was better than those machines anytime.”
- Sit-down Striker, Akron Rubberworkers 1936
• Images of Labor poster series
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