Actresses of Stage & Screen Posters Prints, & Photographs, “E...-F...-”
for theatre, drama, social studies classrooms, home schoolers, and inspirational art for the studio.
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Jeanne Eagels
née Amelia Jeannine Eagles
b. 6-26-1890; Kansas City, MO
d. 10-3-1929; NYC
Jeanne Eagels, once a dancer in the Ziegfeld Follies, is most noted for her role of ‘Sadie Thompson’ in the long running Broadway play Rain, and in several motion pictures such as The Letter (1929).
• Thanhouser - Jeanne Eagels
Lily Elsie, née Elsie Hodder
b. 4-8-1886; England
d. 12-16-1962
Lily Elsie, beginning as a child star, is best remembered for starring in the operetta, The Merry Widow, which premiered in 1907. As one of the most photographed women in Edwardian England, she popularized the plumed hats that became a fad.
Did you know that plume hunters nearly exterminated egrets in 1898 and the destruction of millions of birds nationwide triggered a bird preservation movement - the Audubon Society - that has the egret as its symbol?
FYI - Elsie was a niece by marriage to actress Ada Reeve.
Edith Mary Evans
b. 2-8-1888; London, England
d. 10-14-1976
Dame Edith Evans career spanned sixty-six years, performing without a break until just months before her death.
• Edith Evans - The Way of the World, The Beaux' Strategem, The Rivals, The School for Scandal - Eigteenth-Century Comedy Album
Frances Farmer
b. 9-19-1913; Seattle, WA
d. 8-1-1970; Indiana
Stage and screen actress Frances Farmer is best known for her involuntary commitment to a mental hospital.
Mia Farrow
b. 2-9-1945; Los Angeles
Actress Mia Farrow is the daughter of Maureen O'Sullivan, and was married to Frank Sinatra (briefly), then Andre Previn, and had a twelve year relationship with Woody Allen.
Currently she is involved in humanitarian activities in Darfur, Chad, and the Central African Republic. Time magazine named her one of the most influential people in the world in 2008.
Maria Foote
b. 7-24-1798 (?); Plymouth, England
d. 12-27-1867
English actress Maria Foote married Maj.-Gen. Charles Stanhope, 4th Earl of Harrington, and retired from the stage.
Kay Francis
b. 1-13-1905; Oklahoma City, OK
d. 8-26-1968; NYC
Kay Francis worked on Broadway in the late 1920s, then followed the movie industry to California. She achieved her greatest success between 1930 and 1936 when she was the number one female star at the Warner Brothers studio, and the highest paid American film actress.
• Kay Francis Movies
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