John Muir
b. 4-21-1838; Scotland
d. 12-24-1914
John Muir was the founder of the Sierra Club and his work helped save Yosemite Valley in the central Sierra Nevada Mountains of California.
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” -
John Muir, 1901
• John Muir ecard
Bobby O. Muller
b. 1936; Long Island, NY
Vietnam War veteran Bobby Muller, who wounds left him paralyzed from the chest down, is an advocate for peace and veteran's rights. He is a cofounder and president of Veterans for America which was originally Vietnam Veterans for America. VVAF co-founded and coordinated the global campaign to ban landmines, called Campaign for A Landmine Free World, the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize winner for its efforts to eradicate the use of antipersonnel landmines.
• Hearts & Minds (1974 DVD) - Bobby Muller appears in this Acadmeny award winning documentary.
Robert Muller
b. 1923; Belgium, raised in Alsace-Lorraine region
d. 9-2-2010
Robert Muller, a participant in the underground resistance movement during WWII, earned a Doctorate of Law at the University of Strasbourg and in 1948 he won an essay contest on how to govern the world, wth the prize being an internship at the newly created United Nations.
Dr. Muller developed the “World Core Curriculum”, which earned him the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989, and fter serving 40 years as Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations he founded and developed the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica.
FYI - Dr. Muller was also the speaker for the first two World Peace Celebrations in Kansas City, 1986 and 1987.
• RobertMuller.org

A. J. Muste
A. J. Muste
b. 1-8-1885; Zierikzee, the Netherlands
d. 2-11-1967
Socialist Abraham Johannes Muste was active in the pacifist movement, the labor movement, and the US civil rights movement. He has been called the “American Gandhi” and protested against every major war of this century while he lived.
Muste, whose parents settled in Grand Rapids, Michign in 1891 and raised him in the strict Calvinist tradition of the Dutch Reform Church, was ordained a minister. Later he became inspired by Quaker mystism and after preaching a sermon in 1915 on pacifism was moved out of a parsonage the same Sunday afternoon.
A quote Muste often used was "There is no way to peace—peace is the way."
• War Is The Enemy - Pendle Hill Pamphlet Number Fifteen by A. J. Muste (1951)
• A. J. Muste Memorial Institute
Alva Myrdal
b. 1-31-1902; Sweden
d. 2-1-1986
Sociologist and politician Alva Myrdal received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1982 “for their magnificent work in the disarmament negotiations of the United Nations, where they have both played crucial roles and won international recognition” with Alfonso Garcia Robles.
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