Actresses of Stage & Screen Prints, & Photographs, “M...-”
for threatre, drama, social studies classrooms, home schoolers, and inspirational art for the studio.
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Notable actresses ~
Mademoiselle Mars
b. 2-9-1779; Paris, France
d. 3-20-1847; Paris
Anne Françoise Hyppolyte Boutet Salvetat, known as Mademoiselle Mars, is associated with ingenue and coquette parts in plays by Molière and Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais. She had a career that spanned more than 50 years, and was a member of the Comédie-Française company for 33 years.
Ethel Merman, née Ethel Agnes Zimmermann
b. 1-16-1908; Queens, NY
d. 2-15-1984
Ethel Merman, known for her powerful voice, is often called the “Queen of the Broadway Stage.”
Marilyn Miller (née Mary Ellen Reynolds)
b. 9-1-1898; Evansville, IN
d. 4-7-1936; NYC (complications for sinus surgery)
Marilyn Miller, an accomplished dancer, singer and actress was the most popular Broadway musical stars of the 1920s and 30s. She toured with her family's vaudeville act as a child, and was made a star by Flo Ziegfeld in his Follies of 1918.
Given the name Mary Ellen, Miller constructed her stage name Marilyn from her given first name, her mother's middle name Lynn, and her stepfather. She was so popular that Marilyn became the 16th most common name for girls by 1930.
• The Other Marilyn: A Biography of Marilyn Miller
Liza Minnelli
b. 3-12-1946; Hollywood, CA
Actress and singer Liza Minnelli is the daughter of singer and actress Judy Garland and film director Vincente Minnelli. She won an Academy Award for Best Actress in the musical Cabaret.
Carmen Miranda
née Maria de Carmo Miranda de Cuhna
b. 2-9-1909; Portugal
d. 8-19-1955; California
Carmen Miranda, born in Portugal and raised in Brazil, was known as the “Brazilian Bombshell”. Remembered for her samba singing and dancing, and her signature towering headdresses made of fruit, she also inspired the popular costume jewelry that has become a popular collector's item today.
Miranda is considered one of the high earning women in the United States during the 1940s.
• Carmen Miranda - DVD
Helena Modjeska
néé Modrzejewska
b. 10-12-1840; Poland
d. 4-8-1909; California (Bright's disease)
Helena Modjeska specialized in Shakespearean and tragic roles that included Ophelia, Juliet, Desdemona, and Nora. Modjeska was very well known in her day: she was honored by the Barrymore family as the godmother of Ethel, was a model for a character in Willa Cather's novella My Mortal Enemy, and it is suggested that Arthur Conan Doyle modeled his Sherlock Holmes love interest character, Irene Adler, on Modjeska.
When she and her husband left Poland for California in 1876 their friend Henryk Adam Aleksandr Pius Sienkiewicz, a future Nobel Prize winner, travelled with them.
• In America: A Novel by Susan Sontag (based on Modjeska's life)
Marilyn Monroe (née Norma Jean Mortenson)
b. 6-1-1926; Los Angeles
d. 8-5-1962; Brentwood
“I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be woman in it...”
Marilyn Monroe was married to playwright Arthur Miller 1956-1961.
• “One night some short weeks ago, for the first time in her not always happy life, Marilyn Monroe's soul sat down alone to a quiet supper from which it did not rise.” ~ Clifford Odets
Lola Montez
b. 2-17-1821; Ireland
d. 1-17-1861; New York
Lola Montez was the stage name of Irish-born actress who became famous as an exotic dancer and courtesan. As mistress of King Ludwig I of Bavaria, she caused the outcry for his abdication, and was forcing her from Europe. She then performed in places like gold rush era San Francisco and Australia. She died in poverty of illness in New York City.
Colleen Moore, née Kathleen Morrison
b. 8-19-1899; Port Huron, MI
d. 1-25-1988; California
Colleen Moore, a silent film star whose bobbed hairstyle was copied around the world, was a 1922 WAMPAS Baby Star.
Among her first films were A Hoosier Romance and Little Orphant Annie [sic] based on poems by James Whitcomb Riley; she is also associated with Samuel Hopkins Adams Flaming Youth, and mentioned by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Moore was also fascinated by doll houses, creating a dollhouse that toured the U.S. in 1928. It is exhibited at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry.
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