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The Horsehead Nebula and NGC 2024 in Orion Wall Poster
(Red Rim of IC 434 & Horsehead Nebula in Orion)
Energetic radiation from Sigma Orionis, the naked-eye star at the top of the picture, illuminates the surface of an otherwise invisible dusty cloud, exciting the distinctive red emission from hydrogen. From this dark cloud projects yet more dust, which has the shape of the head of a horse, seen in silhouette against the glowing background.
This picture was made from a series of three photographic plates taken with the 1.2m UK Schmidt Telescope, located on Siding Spring Mountain, New South Wales, Australia. The photograph was produced by combining images taken separately in red, green and blue light. This complex process was necessary because color films are not sensitive enough to record very faint objects. This picture is an accurate reflection of the colors of the universe, much as the eye might see them if it could be made a million times more sensitive.
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