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Charles-Francois Daubigny
b. 2-15-1817; Paris, France
d. 2-19-1878
Daubigny, from a family of painters, was taught by his father and uncle. In 1843 he settled in Barbizon to work outside and also turned his boat into a floating studio on the Seine and Oise Rivers.
Honoré Daumier
b. 2-26-1808; Marseille, France
d. 2-10-1879; heart failure, blind, & penniless
Honoré Daumier, primarily known as a lithographer and caricaturist, was also a sculptor and painted in bold brush stokes that did not find favor in the French Academy or the larger public.
Daumier is well remembered for his satirical picture commentary on the political and social conditions in 19th century France where he lampooned “the foibles of the bourgeoisie, the corruption of the law and the incompetence of a blundering government.” He spent six months in prison for his portrayal of the king as Rabelais' Gargantua.
Honoré Daumier quotes ~
• “I have my art to comfort me, but what have these wretched men and women to live for?”
• “The burdens of a woman are more than the average man could ever endure.”
• “Freedom and justice for all are infinitely more to be desired than pedestals for a few.”
• “We must be generously willing to leave for a time the narrow boundaries in which our individual lives are passed. ... In this fresh, breezy atmosphere.... we will be surprised to find that many of our familiar old conventional truths look very queer indeed in some of the sudden side lights thrown upon them.”
Narcisse Virgile Díaz
b. 8-25-1807; Bordeaux
d. 11-18-1876; Menton, France
Narcisse Virgile Díaz de la Peña was associated with the Barbizon school. Another painter in the Barbizon school, Theodore Rousseau, taught Diaz de la Pena how to paint trees in the Forest of Fontainebleau, near the French village of Barbizon.
Johan-Bartold Jongkind
b. 6-3-1819; Netherlands
d. 2-9-1891
Johan-Bartold Jongkind was a Dutch artist whose work was admired by Claude Monet.
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