Amman, the capital and largest city of Jordan, is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. There is evidence of habitation during he Neolithic period, c. 10,000 BC.
In the 13th century BC the Ammonites called the settlement Rabbath Ammon; it was conquered by the Assyrians, the Persians, the Macedonians (who called it Philadelphia), then the Nabataeans (whose capital was Petra), and then the Romans who made it part of their Decapolis (ten cities on the eastern frontier of the Roman Empire).
Amman is located in northwestern part of Jordan, a geologically active area, and the city was destroyed by several earthquakes.
Today Amman is the country's political, cultural and commercial center, fueled by population growth of refugees escaping Middle Eastern wars.
Amsterdam, the largest city and the capital of the Netherlands, is also a financial and cultural center of the Netherlands. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in the world.
The name Amsterdam comes from the Dutch Amstelredamme, a dam in the river Amstel (Aeme stelle), a name that means “area abounding with water”. FYI ~ The water front of Amsterdam is called “IJ”.
The City of New York was originally named New Amsterdam by its Dutch settlers.
Notable people associated with Amsterdam include Adriaen Block, Evert Cornelis, Dirk Hartog, Nicolaas Hartsoeker, Baruch Spinoza, Joost van den Vondel, Tobias Michael Carel Asser.
Located near the environmentally sensitive Tonlé Sap river and lake system, Angkor, Cambodia, flourished from the ninth to the fifteenth century as the seat of the Khmer empire.
Recent satellite photographs and other modern scientific techniques reveal that Angkor was the largest preindustrial city in the world with an urban sprawl of 3000 square kilometres capable of supporting a population of 1 million. The Mayan city of Tikal, in Guatamala, was the closest rival to Angkor.
• Peoples of Southeastern Asia Poster Map
Ankara, centrally located in Anatolia (Asia Minor), is the capital of Turkey and the country's second largest city, after Istanbul.
Ankara's history goes back to the Hatti and Hittite settlements during the Bronze Age.
The city has had several names, among them Ancyra (Latin) and Angora, a name attached to long haired Angora goats (mohair), rabbits (angora wool) , and Angora cats.
Antananarivo, the capital and largest city in Madagascar, was founded circa 1625 by King Andrianjaka.
The name Antananarivo means “the City of the Thousand”, describing the number of soldiers assigned to guard it.
Antioch, an ancient city on the eastern side of the Orontes River, is near the modern city of Antakya, Turkey.
Founded in the 4th century BC Antioch became one of the most important cities in the Near East before earthquakes, invaders and changes in trade routes lead to its decline.
Antioch was significant in the early history of Christianity - the disciples at Antioch were the first to be called Christians (and was meant to be derogatory), Antioch was one of the five eminent “sees” of the the early church (Rome, Constantinope, Jerusalem and Alexandria).
• Peoples of the Middle East Poster Map
Antwerp, Belgium, one of the largest seaports in Europe, is located on the right (eastern) bank of the river Scheldt, which is linked to the North Sea.
Anuradhapura, an ancient capital of Sri Lanka, is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and famous for its well-preserved ruins which include the most complex irrigation systems of the ancient world.
Anuradhapura also has a sacred Bo-Tree (Bodhi) which is considered sacred by the followers of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.
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