Tegucigalpa, the capital and largest city of Honduras, was founded by the Spanish in 1578. Tegucigalpa is on the Choluteca River, across from its sister city Comayaguela.
The exact etymology of the name Tegucigalpa is uncertain, it may be from the Nahuatl language.
Tehran is the second largest city in the Middle East and the capital of Iran.
The origin of the name Tehran is not known and excavations place the existence of settlements as far back as 6000 BC. The city was called Ray in pre- and early Islamic times, the name appears as Ragha in the Avesta (primary collection of Zoroastrianism sacred texts).
FYI ~ The “Big Three”, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin, leaders of the Allies in WWII, held a 1943 conference in Tehran.
Tel Aviv, the second most populous city in Israel, is located on the Israeli Mediteranean coast.
Founded in 1909 as a planned city, Tel Aviv was built around the ancient sea port of Jaffa. The name Tel Aviv is Hebrew and was inspired as the city name by the title of a Theodor Herzl book.
The plan for Tel Aviv is based on the work of Patrick Geddes.
Thebes, the Greek name for a city in Ancient Egypt, lies within the modern city of Luxor. It is located about 400 miles (800 km) south of the Mediterranean, on the east bank of the river Nile.
The Necropolis of Thebes, on the west bank of the Nile across from the city, is one of them most famous archeological sites in the world.
The Grecian city Thebes, on the Boeotian plain, played an important role in Greek mythology as the setting of stories of Cadmus, Oedipus and Dionysus.
Archaeological excavations in and around Thebes have revealed an early Mycenaean settlement; at one time a major rival of Athens, Thebes was destroyed by Alexander the Great in 335 BC.
Notable people associated with Thebes include the poet Pindar, whose house was not destroyed by Alexander.
Thessaloniki, Greece's second major economic, industrial, commercial, political, and transportation center, is also renowned for its festivals, events and vibrant cultural life.
The city has a history of over 2,300 years: its Byzantine and Christian monuments have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Thimphu, the capital and largest city of Bhutan, is situated on the west bank of the valley formed by the Wang Chuu River.
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