Abigail Adams
b. 11-11-1744; Weymouth, MA
d. 10-28-1818
Abigail Adams, the only woman in history who was both the wife and mother of a U.S. President, was an extremely intelligent and forceful woman with strong opinions on many subjects. ... In one letter to her husband, John Adams, she wrote that “all men would be tyrants if they could.” Therefore, she insisted, a statement of the rights of women should be included in the Declaration of Independence.
• more Abigail Adams posters
• more Great American Women posters
• Revolutionary War posters
Jane Addams
b. 9-6-1860; Cedarville, IL
d. 5-21-1935; Chicago
Author and lecturer Jane Addams is best known for being a founder of Hull House in Chicago where, “... At its height, Hull House was visited each week by around 2000 people ... as night school for adults (forerunner of continuing education classes), kindergarten classes, clubs for older children, a public kitchen, an art gallery, a coffeehouse, a gymnasium, a girls club, bathhouse, a book bindery, a music school, a drama group, a library, and labor-related divisions ... and an opportunity for young social workers to acquire training. Addams was also a Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1931, shared with Nicholas Murray Butler.
• The Long Road of Woman's Memory (Online)
• Why Women Should Vote; A Modern Lear (Online)

Yda Addis |
Yda Addis
b. 1857; Lawrence, KS (raised in Mexico)
d. disappeared 1902
Yda Addis translated and published Mexican folk histories, as well as writing original fiction. She learned the stories as she assisted her photographer father travel Mexico and the American Southwest.
FYI - The family had moved from Kansas to Mexico at the beginning of the American Civil War; Addis had been engaged to much older former California governor, John G. Downey, when his family broke up the relationship; she was sued in another divorce case; married an abusive man who committed her to an insane asylum from which she escaped and then disappeared.
Countess Maria D'Agoult
b. 12-31-1805; Germany
d. 3-5-1876; Paris
Countess Marie D'Agoult, pen name Daniel Stern, had three children with composer Franz Liszt, though they never married. Their second daughter, Cosima, became the second wife of composer Richard Wagner.
Isabel Allende
b. 8-2-1942; Peru
Poster Text: “I was born in the back room of a shadowy house, and grew up amidst ancient furniture, books in Latin, and human mummies, but none of those things made me melancholy, because I came into the world with a breath of the jungle in my memory.” Eva Luna
Isabel Allende was a prominent 28-year-old journalist and humorist in Chile when her uncle, Salvador Allende, was elected the first socialist president in that nation's history. When his government was overthrown by General Augusto Pinochet, Allende and her family found that they were not welcome in Chile anymore, and thy moved to Venezuela. There she felt that she wanted to say something more about her homeland, but she didn't know how to do it. When she heard that her 99 year-old grandfather was dying back in Chile, she started to write him a letter. That letter grew and grew until it bacame the manuscript for her first novel, The House of the Spirits, which was published in Spanish in 1982. ...
• more Isabel Allende posters
• more Latino Writers posters
Julia Alvarez
b. 3-27-1950; NYC
“Yolanda gazes at the cake... As the singing draws to a close, the cousins urge her to make a wish. She leans forward and shuts her eyes. There is so much she wants, it is hard to single out one wish. There have been too many stops on the road of the last twenty-nine years since her family left this island behind... Let this turn out to be my home, Yolanda wishes.” How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents
• more Julia Alvarez posters
• more Great Contemporary Latinos
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