Khartoum, the capital and largest city of Sudan, is located at the confluence of the White Nile flowing north from Lake Victoria, and the Blue Nile flowing west from Ethiopia.
Notable people associated with Khartoum include Fatima Ahmed Ibrahaim, Leila Aboulela, Andreas Voutsinas.
Kiev, the capital and largest city of Ukraine, is located on the Dnieper River. It is one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, being located on a trade route between Scandinavia and Constantinople (Istanbul).
The dish of boneless chicken breast, pounded and rolled around cold garlic butter with herbs, then breaded, and either fried or baked, is called Chicken Kiev.
Kigali, founded by German colonial rule, in 1907, is the largest city in Rwanda, has been the capital since the nation's independence in 1962.
Kigali is situated near the geographic center of the nation, on a series of ridges, with altitudes rangings from 4,270 ft to 5,246 ft above sea level.
“Beginning on April 6, 1994, Kigali was the scene of the Rwandan Genocide — the slaughter of approximately one million Tutsi and moderate Hutu by Hutu militias (interahamwe), and some members of the Rwandan army — and of fierce fighting between the army (mostly Hutu) and Tutsi-dominated Rwandese Patriotic Front. Although damaged, the city's structure has recovered.” (direct quote from Wikipedia)
Kimberley, Northern Cape, South Africa, is famous for local diamond mines and siege during the Second Boer War. The town started out named New Rush because of the stampede by men rushing to the site of diamond finds. Eventually the site was named for Lord Kimberley, the British Secretary for the State of the Colonies.
Individuals such as Cecil Rhodes made their fortune in Kimberley, and the roots of the De Beers corporation can also be traced to the city.
The Big Hole is the resulting open pit that was dug by miners between 1871 and 1914.
Kingston, the capital and largest city on the island of Jamaica, was founded in July of 1692 as refuge for survivors of the earthquake that destroyed Port Royal.
Kingston is located on the southeastern coast of the island facing a natural harbor protected by a spit of sand called the Palisadoes.
Notable people associated with Kingston are the pirate Harry Morgan, Mary Seacole, Madge Sinclair, and Patrick Ewing.
Kinshasa, located on the south bank of the Congo River, is the largest city and capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The city was founded by journalist and explorer Henry Morgan Stanley in 1881 and named Leopoldville in honor of King Leopold II of Belgium (colonial Belgian Congo). In 1966 it was renamed Kinshasa in rememberance of a village that had once been near the site.
The city of Brazzaville, capital of the Republic of the Congo, is directly across the river from Kinshasa on the opposite side of a geological feature called Pool Malebo, a lake-like widening of the Congo River.
FYI ~ Kinshasa was the site of the 1974 “Rumble in the Jungle” boxing match between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman for the World Heavyweight title.
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