Venice is a city in northeastern Italy known for culture, tourism and industry. Venice is built on 117 small islands in the Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea, just north of the Po River Delta.
During the Middle Ages and Renaissance Venice was a major maritime power and the starting point for the Crusades.
A major danger to Venice is flooding caused a variety reasons - the overuse of the local aquifer caused the bedrock beneath the city to subside, climate change may increase the damages caused by rising sea levels. When the water is too high the lower floors of old buildings are unusable and public transportation is halted because there is not enough room to pass under the many bridges.
Notable people associated with Venice include Lord Byron, Sebastian Cabot, Canaletto, Rosalba Giovanna Carriera, Casanova, Elissa Landi, Claudio Monteverdi, Andrea Palladio, Marco Polo, Ezra Pound, Olga Rudge, John Ruskin, Tiepolo, Tintoretto, Titian, Vivaldi, Richard Wagner.
Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice and Othello
Thomas Mann - Death in Venice
Henry James - The Wings of the Dove
Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisited
Marcel Proust - In Search of Lost Time
• perspective posters
• The City of Fallen Angels
Veracruz was founded in 1519 by Hernan Cortez as Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz (Rich Town of the True Cross), as he landed on the eastern shore of Mexico on Good Friday.
Renowned for its château, Versailles was the unofficial capital of the kingdom of France for over a century, from 1682 to 1789.
The farming village of Versailles (possibly from Latin versare for "to keep turning, turn over and over", an expression used in Medieval Europe for land that was farmed), attracted the King of France to hunt in its surrounding forests.
In 1661 the architect Louis Le Vau and landscape architect Le Nôtre were commissioned by Louis XIV to transform the castle of his father, as well as the park, in order to accommodate the court. The resulting design was a city with a rational and symmetrical grid of streets and building codes.
Now a wealthy suburb of Paris, it remains an important administrative and judicial center, and the Chateau de Versailles is a UNESCO World Heritiage site.
FYI ~ Versailles was used as a model for the building of Washington, DC.
Vienna is the capital, as well as cultural, economic, and political center, of the Republic of Austria. Vienna is tied with Vancouver, BC, as the best quality of urban living in the world.
Founded around 500 BC on the Danube River, Vienna was originally a Celtic settlement, then in 15 BC became the Roman frontier city of Vindobona guarding the Roman Empire against Germanic tribes to the north.
As a crossroad between east and west Vienna suffered from epidemics. The Great Plague of Vienna occurred from 1679 into 1680s, with an estimated 76,000 residents losing their lives. The disease is thought to have been bubonic plague, which is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, carried by fleas associated with the black rat and other rodents.
Notable people associated with Vienna include Alfred Adler, Beethoven, Fanny Eissler, Viktor Frankl, Freud, Adolf Loos, Otto Rank, Mozart, Schubert, Gerda Lerner, Otto Wagner.
Vientiane, the capital and largest city of Laos, is located on the Mekong River.
The name Vientiane, derived from the liturgical language of Theravada Buddhism, means “royal sandalwood grove” or “city of sandalwood”.
It became the capital of Laos in 1563.
• Southeast Asia poster map
Vilnius, the capital and largest city of Lithuania, is located at the confluence of the Vilnia and Neris Rivers.
Vilnius is considered to be near the geographic center of Europe, depending on the geographic boundaries of Europe.
FYI ~ The character of the Russian submarine commander Ramius, played by Sean Connery, in The Hunt for Red October, is from Vilnius.
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