Pompeii, a Roman city-town was destroyed and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days in the year AD 79. It is near modern Naples in the Italian region of Campania.
Pompeii, and nearby Herculaneum, were buried under 4-6 meters of ash and pumice for nearly 1700 years before being accidently being discovered in 1749.
Today Pompeii is a UNESCO World Heritage site with its excavations providing detailed information about the life in a city at the height of the Roman Empire. Among those who died in the eruption were Roman naval officer and writer Pliny the Elder, who was attempting a rescue.
Port Louis is the capital of Mauritius, an island nation off the southeast coast of the African continent in the southwest Indian Ocean, about 900 kilometres (560 mi) east of Madagascar.
Famous writers associated with Port Louis include Mark Twain and Charles Baudelaire.
Port-au-Prince, the capital and largest city of the Caribbean nation of Haiti, is located on the Gulf of Gonave, a natural harbor. The French established the city in 1749.
Port-au-Prince was catastrophically affected by an earthquake on January 12, 2010, with large numbers of structures damaged or destroyed. The human toll was estimated at the loss of 230,000 lives.
Porto-Novo is the official capital of the West African nation of Benin, and was the capital of French Dahomey.
Potsdam is located southwest of Berlin in a area of Germany with large moraines left after the last ice age that have formed a series of interconnected lakes.
The area shows Bronze Age habitation, was mentioned in a Holy Roman Empire document in 993, lost nearly half its population in the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), and with the Edict of Potsdam in 1685, a safe haven for oppressed Huguenots from France, Russia, the Netherlands and Bohemia.
Until 1918 Potsdam was the residence of the Prussian kings and German Kaisers where Frederick William I had set up a hunting residence in 1660. Frederick the Great built homes such as Sanssouci (French: "without cares") as his summer place.
During WWII Potsdam (which held comparable national status as Windsor in England) was severely damaged. At the end of the war the Allied leaders met a Potsdam to decide the fate of Germany.
Today Potsdam is the the largest World Heritage Site in Germany.
Famous people associated with Potsdam: Ernst Haeckel, Hermann von Helmholtz, Moritiz von Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi.
Prague, the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic, has been a political, cultural and economic center of central Europe during its 1,100 year history.
There is evidence settlement from the Paleolithic, with early masonry forts dated from 885 AD and since 1992, the historic center of Prague has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. Currently Prague is the sixth most visited city in Europe (after London, Paris, Rome, Madrid and Berlin).
Prague played major roles in the Protestant Reformation, the Thirty Years' War, and in 20th-century history, during both World Wars and the post-war Communist era.
Famous people associated with Prague: Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler, John Dee, Emmy Destinn, Franz Kafka, Jan Neruda, Rainer Maria Rilke, Vaclav Havel, Stanislav Grof.
Pretoria is one of three capital cities in South Africa, serving the executive or administrative duties (Cape Town - legislative, Bloemfontein - judicial). It is located about 30 miles north of Johannesburg in the north-east part of the nation.
Pretoria was founded in 1855 by Marthinus Pretorius, a leader of the Voortrekkers, and named after his father Andries Pretorius.
Pyongyang is the capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, commonly known as North Korea, and the largest city in the country.
The word Pyongyang means “flat land”.
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