W. E. B. DuBois
b. 2-23-1868; Great Barrinton, MA
d. 8-27-1963
“The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.”
A noted scholar, writer, educator, and activist, W. E. B. Dubois devoted his life to studying and addressing the social and economic condition of black people. He was admired by his contemporaries for fighting injustice and defending freedom.
“There can be no perfect democracy curtailed by color, race or poverty. But with all we accomplish all, even peace.”
• more W. E. B. DuBois posters
Katherine Dunham
b. 6-22-1909; Joliet, IL
d. 5-21-2006; NYC
Katherine Dunham, who majored in anthropology, was a noted dancer and choreographer who brought the dance styles of black people of the Caribbean and the United States to the attention of America at large. She also founded the first black dance troupe – the Katherine Dunham Dance Company.
In her later years she continued to teach and offer her guidance at the Perfoming Arts Training Center, which she founded in East St. Louis, Illinois, in the mid 1960s.
FYI - actress and singer Earth Kitt began her career in Dunham's company, and Alvin Ailey was one of her students.
• women and music posters
• Katherine Dunham books at Amazon.com

Will Durant

Ariel Durant
(no commercially available images)
Will Durant
b. 11-5-1885; North Adams, MA
d. 11-7-1981; Los Angeles, CA
Historian Will Durant is best remembered for his 11 volume The Story of Civilization written in collaboration with his wife Ariel. They were awarded the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction and the Presidental Medal of Freedom.
Durant was principal of the Ferrer Modern School, modeled after the Escuela Moderna of Francisco Ferrer. Also on the faculty were Emma Goldman, and artists Robert Henri and George Bellows; guest lecturers included Margaret Sanger (who sent her son to the school), and authors Jack London and Upton Sinclair. Also notable was the use of Montessori methods and equipment at the school.
Will Durant quotes ~
• “To be one's 'deliberate self’ is to rise above the impulse to ‘become the slaves of our passions’ and instead to act with ‘courageous devotion’ to a moral cause.”
• “The individual succumbs, but he does not die if he has left something to mankind.”
• “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.”
• “Education is the transmission of civilization.”
• “So I should say that civilizations begin with religion and stoicism: they end with scepticism and unbelief, and the undisciplined pursuit of individual pleasure. A civilization is born stoic and dies epicurean.”
• “Never mind your happiness; do your duty.”
• “When liberty destroys order, the hunger for order will destroy liberty.”
• “Tired mothers find that spanking takes less time than reasoning and penetrates sooner to the seat of the memory.”
• Will Durant Books
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