Kurt Hahn
b. 6-5-1886; Berlin, Germany
d. 12-14-1974
Kurt Hahn, who believed adolescents possess an innate decency and moral sense but were corrupted by society as they aged, was forced out of Germany in 1933.
He founded Gordonstoun school in Scotland and was participated in the foundation of the Outward Bound Organization.
Nathan Hale
b. 6-6-1755; CT
d. 9-22-1776; hung by the Bristish as a spy, possibly the corner of 3rd Ave & 66th St, Manhattan.
Nathan Hale was a teacher in East Haddam and New London, CT, after he graduated from Yale and before joining the Continental Army for the American Revolutionary War. He reportedly said, “I only regret that I have but one life to give my country.”
Sarah Josepha Hale
née Buell
b. 10-24-1788; Newport, NH
d. 4-30-1879; Philadelphia
Sarah Josepha Hale, herself an autodidact (self-educating), was an early activist for women's education and property rights, as well as teaching school. Her attitude was women were most powerful in domestic roles, and thus didn't support women's suffrage.
Hale is best remembered for being editor of Godey Lady's Book, publishing the work of other women authors, and as the author of the nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” She spearheaded the fundraising for the completion of the Bunker Hill Monument, the preservation of George Washington's plantation at Mount Vernon, was primary in the establishment of a National Day of Thanksgiving (Lincoln, 1863), and helped found Vassar College.
Hale was one of the first American novelist with Northwood; or, Life north and south: showing the true character of both, a story about slavery.
Sarah Josepha Hale quotes ~
• “There is small danger of being starved in our land of plenty; but the danger of being stuffed is imminent.”
• “In this age of innovation, perhaps no experiment will have an influence more important on the character and happiness of our society than the granting to females the advantages of a systematic and thorough education.”
• “Nor need we power or splendor, wide hall or lordly dome; the good, the true, the tender- these form the wealth of home.”
• “No influence is so powerful as that of the mother.”
• “There is something in the decay of nature that awakens thought, even in the most trifling mind.”
• “A blessing on the printer's art! – Books are the mentors of the heart.”
• “I have learned to judge of men by their own deeds, and not to make the accident of birth the standard of their merit.”
• Early American Cookery: "The Good Housekeeper," 1841
• To My Countrywomen: The Life of Sarah Josepha Hale
Edith Hamilton
b. 8-12-1867; Germany
d. 5-31-1963; Washington, DC
Educator and author educator Edith Hamilton was “recognized as the greatest woman Classicist”. She was sixty-two years old when The Greek Way, her first book, was published in 1930; and her 1942 Mythology is still a classroom standard introductory text.
Edith Hamilton quote ~
• “To be able to be caught up into the world of thought – that is educated.”
• “Faith is not belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active.”
• “There are few efforts more conducive to humility than that of the translator trying to communicate an incommunicable beauty. Yet, unless we do try, something unique and never surpassed will cease to exist except in the libraries of a few inquisitive book lovers.”
• “Great art is the expression of a solution of the conflict between the demands of the world without and that within.”
• “When the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again.”
• Edith Hamilton / National Archives

Kate Harrington
(no commercially available poster)
Kate Harrington,
née Rebecca Harrington Smith
b. 9-20-1831; Allegheny City, PA
d. 5-29-1917; Ft. Madison, IA
Rebecca Harrington was a teacher, writer and poet who developed a “sequential reading program of intensive synthetic phonics, complete with a separate teacher's manual and spelling and reading books, and moving into a broad based graded series of literature readers.”
Hubert Harrison
b. 4-27-1883; (now U.S. Virgin Islands)
d. 12-17-1927 (appendicitis)
Hubert Harrison, a West Indian born writer, orator, educator, critic, and radical political activist, was based in Harlem, New York. Harrison was described by A. Philip Randolph as “the father of Harlem radicalism”.
Gabriel Harvey
b. 1545; England
d. 1630
Gabriel Harvey a writer and scholar who wanted to be “epitaphed as the Inventour of the English Hexameter”. (Hexameter is a metrical line of verse consisting of six feet.) He is best remembered today as “the prime mover in the literary clique known as the Areopagus that wanted to impose the Latin rules of quantity on English verse”. Harvey was also teacher and friend to poet Edmund Spenser.
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