Elizabeth Blackwell
b. 2-3-1821; England
d. 5-31-1910
Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman earn a Medical Doctor (MD) degree and become a doctor in the United States (1849), was from a Quaker family active as abolitionists and in the women's suffrage movement.
To prepare herself for medical school Blackwell boarded with physicians in order to read in their libraries as she taught school to earn money for a medical education.
Only one school admitted Blackwell, Geneva Medical College, and she was allowed to attend only because the male students voted her in as a joke. After graduation she was banned from U.S. teaching hospitals so she interned at La maternité, Paris, and St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London. In 1857, she, along with her sister Emily (3rd woman medical graduate) and Marie Zakrzewska (also a physician), set up the New York Infirmary for Indigent Women and Children, after years of professional and social shunning. Blackwell helped trained nurses in the US Civil War, and in 1868 established the Women's Medical College.
Blackwell returned to England, and with Florence Nightingale opened a medical school for women there.
Elizabeth Blackwell was a sister-in-law to Lucy Stone.
Elizabeth Blackwell quotes ~
• “Our school education ignores, in a thousand ways, the rules of healthy development.”
• “For what is done or learned by one class of women becomes, by virtue of their common womanhood, the property of all women.”
• “If society will not admit of woman's free development, then society must be remodeled.”
• Elizabeth Blackwell: First Woman Physician (Great Life Stories)
• National Library of Medicine
• Heroes of Science & Technology posters
Eugen Bleuler
b. 4-30-1857; Switzerland
d. 7-15-1939
Psychologist Eugen Bleuler, who coined the word schizophrenia (Gk. schizein, to split and phren, mind) was a professor to Hermann Rorschach who developed the “inkblot” test to examine personality, and mentor to Carl Gustav Jung ran word association tests at the beginning of his career.
Benjamin Bloom
b. 2-21-1913; Pennsylvania
d. 9-13-1999
Benjamin Bloom was an educational psychologist best remembered for his Bloom's Taxonomy classification of educational objectives -
• knowledge |
• comprehension |
• application |
• analysis |
• synthesis
• evaluation |
organized according to their cognitive complexity, and to the theory of mastery-learning. |
Benjamin Bloom quotes ~
• “What we are classifying is the intended behavior of students — the ways in which individuals are to act, think, or feel as the result of participating in some unit of instruction.”
• “... a large part of what we call “good teaching” is the teacher's ability to attain affective objectives through challenging the students' fixed beliefs and getting them to discuss issues.”
• “The purpose of education and the schools is to change the thoughts, feelings and actions of students.” |
Edward Wilmot Blyden
b. 8-3-1832; Saint Thomas, US Virgin Isl
d. 2-7-1912; Freetown, Sierra Leone
Edward Wilmot Blyden, an educator, writer, diplomat, and politician in Liberia and Sierra Leone, is regarded as the “father of Pan-Africanism”. His major work, Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race (1887), pushed forward the idea that “Islam has a much more unifying and fulfilling effect..., an idea that would play a major role in the 20th-century revival of Islam”, among African-Americans.
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