Malcolm S. Knowles
b. 8-24-1913; Montana
d. 11-27-1997
Malcolm S. Knowles is noted for his adoption of Alexander Kapp's theory of Andragogy, or learning strategies for adults.
Knowles' Core Adult Learning Principles- 1) Need to Know- why, what, how: 2) Self-Concept of the Learner- autonomous, self-directing; 3) Prior Experience of the Learner- resource, mental models; 4) Readiness to Learn- life related, developmental task; 5) Orientation to Learning- problem centered, contextual; 6) Motivation to Learn- intrinsic value, personal payoff; are influenced by individual and situational differences, and goals and purposes for learning.
Zoltán Kodály
b. 12-16-1882; Hungary
d. 3-6-1967;
Zoltán Kodály was a composer, violinist, and ethnomusicologist who established a set of principles that became the basis for what is called the “Kodály Method”.
He was friends with the composer Bela Bartok, sharing interest in folk music.
FYI ~ one of the characters in Close Encounters of the Third Kind is named Zoltán Kodály, and hand signals designed by John Curwen, are used in conjunction with tonal sounds to communicate with the aliens.
Herbert Kohl
Educator Herbert Kohl is best known for advocating progressive alternative education and as the author of more than thirty books on education.
Herb Kohl quote ~
• “Children learn how to make good decisions by making decisions, not by following directions.”
Alfie Kohn
b. 10-15-1957; Miami Beach, FL
Author and lecturer Alfie Kohn is considered a leader in progressive education, challenging widely accepted theories and practices of traditional education such as competition, conventional discipline, standardized testing, grades, and homework.
Alfie Kohn quote ~
• “One of the beauties of teaching is that there is no limit to one's growth as a teacher, just as there is no knowing beforehand how much your students can learn.”
Janusz Korczak
b. 7-22-1878; Poland
d. August, 1942; Treblinka extermination camp
Janusz Korczak was the author of children's books, a pediatrician and pedagogue who went with the nearly 200 hundred children from the orphanage he ran to death at a death camp. Korczak was one of the first to change the general attitudes of teachers and parents to that of any child has his own way, his own path, on which he embarks immediately following birth and articulated the role of a parent or a teacher to not impose goals on a child, but to help children achieve their own goals.
Jonathan Kozol
b. 12-5-1936; Boston, MA
Jonathan Kozol, an education reformer, described his experience in the Boston Public School System where he was assigned to teach “fourth grade at one of its most overcrowded inner-city schools – a place where ‘the books are junk, the paint peels, the teachers call you nigger, and the windows fall in on your heads.’”, a situation he described in Death at an Early Age, first published in 1967.

“Pick battles big enough to
matter, small enough to win.”
Jonathan Kozol
Jonathan Kozol quotes ~
• “Education is hanging around until you've caught on.”
• “More money is put into prisons than into schools. That, in itself, is the description of a nation bent on suicide. I mean, what is more precious to us than our own children? We are going to build a lot more prisons if we do not deal with the schools and their inequalities.”
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