The two holiest places for Islam, Mecca and Medina, are in Saudi Arabia. Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570, received his first revelations at the nearby mountain cave of Hira on Jabal al-Nour.
Muhummad left Mecca for Medina in 622 and consolidated the faithful to march on the pagans of Mecca for a holy pilgrimage in 630.
Mecca is visited by more than 13 million Muslims annually, including several million who perform the Hajj (pilgrimage).
FYI ~ The noted explorer Richard F. Burton travelled to Mecca in 1853
Medellin, the second largest city in Colombia, is in the Aburra Valley, is named after Medellin, Spain.
Medellín suffers from urban warfare set off by the drug cartels in the 1980s.
Melbourne, the second most populous city in Australia, after Sydney, is located on the south coast.
It was founded in 1836 and declared a city by Queen Victoria in 1847, being named after the British Prime Minister William Lamb — the 2nd Viscount Melbourne (his wife was Lady Caroline Lamb).
Melbourne became the wealthiest city in world during the Australian gold rush of the 1850s.
Notable people associated with Melbourne: Cate Blanchett, Helen Caldicott, Germaine Greer, Nellie Melba, Olivia Newton-John, Helen Reddy, Curtis Stone.
Memphis was the ancient capital of Aneb-Hetch, the first nome (Greek meaning district) of Lower Egypt.
According to legend the city was founded by the pharaoh Menes around 3000 BC. It remained an important city throughout ancient Mediterranean history and thrived as a regional centre for commerce, trade, and religion.
Its ruins are located near the town of Helwan, south of Cairo and are available to the public as an open-air museum.
Nile Valley Map
Memphis, Tennessee, was founded in 1819 by several Tennesseans that included Andrew Jackson. The city was named after Memphis, Egypt located on the Nile River.
Memphis is located on a bluff near the confluence of the Wolf and Mississippi Rivers. The site was chosen because it was relatively flood free.
Memphis is noted for its music heritage, such as Beale Street, and Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley. Memphis was also important in civil rights issues, where Martin Luther King, Jr. delievered his last speech and was assassinated in 1968.
Merv was a major oasis-city in Central Asia, on the historical Silk Road. It is claimed that Merv was briefly the largest city in the world in the 12th century. Merv is located near today's Mary in Turkmenistan.
Several cities have existed on this site and Merv has been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
Mesa Verde, cliff dwellings which are structures built within caves and under outcropping in cliffs, is located in the southwest corner of US state of Colorado.
The dwellings were built and inhabited by the Anasazi between 550 and 1300 AD. They are thought to be the largest cliff dwellings in North America.
The site was discovered in the latter half of the 19th century by cowboy Richard Wetherhill, studied by Gustaf Nordenskiöld, and President Teddy Roosevelt placed Mesa Verde under protection of a national park due to vandalism. Mesa Verde is also designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
The name Mesa Verde is Spanish for “green table”.
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Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, is built over the ruins of Tenochtitlan which was the capital of the Aztec Empire.
Mexico City is also the largest city in the Americas, the world's third largest metropolitan area by population (after Seoul and Tokyo) and fifth urban agglomeration after Tokyo, Delhi, Sao Paulo, and Mumbai).
Mexico City has more museums than any other city, and is third only to London and New York in number of theaters.
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